Patient Education Experience

How might we support caregivers of deaf or hard of hearing children during and after visits at the Seattle Children's Hospital Hearing Loss Clinic?
Project Overview
The hearing loss clinic at the Seattle Children's Hospital is a multi-disciplinary clinic where caregivers of children diagnosed with hearing loss seek diagnosis, treatment, and learn to manage the patient's condition. When visiting the hearing loss clinic, patients see up to six specialists from a number of areas to receive recommendations & assessments based on their individual needs.

When at the clinic, the caregivers of patients are faced with lots of complex and technical information that they must learn to provide quality care for the patient. The value and effectiveness of the education experience before, during, and after clinic visits was unclear and required further research. With the help of my team members Sarah Howell, Shivani Shah, and Dhwani Vekaria, I set out to identify a design solution for the education experience at the Hearing Loss Clinic.

My contributions

While working with the Seattle Children's Hospital, I contributed the following.

Project Management
Study Design
Card Sorting
Affinity Diagrams
Persona/Archetype Creation

Unveiling insights and informing solutions.

Our journey into understanding the caregiver experience at the Seattle Children's Hospital Hearing Loss Clinic was driven by a commitment to uncovering insights that would shape meaningful solutions. Through a comprehensive research approach, including user interviews and data synthesis, we delved deep into the challenges faced by caregivers and providers alike. Our findings shed light on key pain points and user needs, serving as the foundation for designing a more empathetic and effective educational experience.

Research & Discovery
Key Findings
When beginning our work with the Hearing Loss Clinic, the goal of the providers was to provide an improved educational experience for families while they were visiting. Among our many research methods, our most informative was user interviews. Through interviews, we were able to understand if the educational experience at the clinic was something that users struggle with. We were able to interview both caregivers and providers to understand all perspectives of the care process.

The following were the key findings that surfaced after synthesizing the data collected from both primary and secondary research efforts:
  • Caregivers do not know which providers they will be seeing and their specialities
  • Providers don't know the caregiver's learning goals before the appointment
  • Caregivers don't know what questions to ask when visiting the clinic
  • The more information that is presented during clinic visits, the smaller the proportion is recalled later
  • Some educational resources cannot be transported or replaced and can only be viewed in the clinic setting
  • Caregivers do not always receive the most relevant information to their current situation
Research & Discovery
Identifying the User
Through our research, we were able to understand that the success of the clinic experience is co-dependent on both the patient and the provider. The patient and their families need the provider to help them navigate the journey of learning how to manage hearing loss. At the same time, the provider has to more specifically know the unique needs of each caregiver in order to deliver effective patient education.

This dependency led us to identify three user groups to focus on when optimizing the Hearing Loss Clinic education experience. First time visitors, returning visitors, and HLC clinic providers.

For each type of user, we identified goals, pain points, and needs. This helped us synthesize what we learned in research in an applicable way. These archetypes kept us focused on the user needs as we designed a solution.

Empowering families on their journey through the Seattle Children's Hospital Hearing Loss Clinic.

Introducing Windmill, a transformative portal designed to simplify and centralize the caregiver experience at the Seattle Children's Hospital Hearing Loss Clinic. Created using collaborative design strategies and user-centric principles, Windmill offers a comprehensive suite of features tailored to meet the diverse needs of caregivers, returning visitors, and clinic providers. From personalized onboarding to curated resources and interactive tools, Windmill empowers caregivers, fosters engagement, and facilitates informed decision-making throughout the care journey.

Onboarding the User
What caregivers are looking for at the HLC depends on where in the care process they are. Depending on if the user is a new or returning visitor at the clinic, they have different resources that they need and want to access. Through an onboarding experience, the user will be motivated to increase engagement with the HLC care process. The personalization of this tool will allow them to tailor the care experience to their very unique needs.
A Comprehensive Dashboard
Giving the caregivers a preview of the features available in the product allows them to get a snapshot of what kinds of resources are available to them. The "previews" in the cards on the dashboard helps the caregiver build expectations on what they will be able to achieve with this product.On the dashboard, users can see various sections that were found to be meaningful and impactful during the research process.

Throughout the research process, HLC providers expressed their struggle to put extremely complex and technical information into "layman's terms". On top of this, as caregivers struggle to comprehend very technical information, they are hesitant to ask clarifying questions at risk of "sounding stupid". Tidbits are designed to be bite-sized pieces of important information that is easy to understand. Information presented here is designed to be actionable, simple, and quick to understand.

Provider Information
Caregivers do not always know what each provider is available to help them with, especially on their first visit to the clinic. During user interviews, some caregivers expressed a desire to learn more about providers prior to their appointments in order to feel prepared with questions to ask. Provider overviews can help caregivers get a preview or refresher on what they will be learning, as well as recommend some questions that the caregiver can ask during the appointment.

"We were invited to a social group once we were in the SCH system. This will be a great resource moving forward. It would be nice if there were more ways to connect our child with other kids [in the HLC]."

- Caregiver Interview Inspiring the Connect Feature
The connect feature allows users to view featured stories of other caregivers who have been on the same journey that they are currently on. Each story allows caregivers to learn from others' experiences and feel like they are not alone. These stories show what kinds of groups and support systems caregivers can seek out.

Resource Library
"We just wanted to get as much information as possible so that we could move on to the next step [of the care process]."

- Caregiver Interview
Resource management was one of the biggest issues that both caregivers and providers faced. With an exhaustive and easy to navigate resource library, providers can easily educate caregivers both inside and outside of the clinic. Caregivers can easily refer to the same materials they saw in the clinic after they go home, allowing them to more easily comprehend the material at their own pace.

Provider Resources
These are resources that are specifically curated by providers. These are collections created to enable caregivers return to materials that they saw in the clinic during their appointment.


Providers and administrators at the HLC expressed that there are various frequently asked questions by clinic attendees, but no centralized location for them find answers. The frequently asked questions resource was an imperative feature in solving that concern.

General Resources

The post diagnosis journey can be overwhelming and filled with too much information. Often times, caregivers will turn to the internet to answer their immediate questions, which leads to even more confusion and apprehension. General resources provided directly by the clinic allow caregivers to access a curated and reliable set of educational materials and articles. Filtering and favoriting allows an easy way to navigate and organize content that they are interested in.
Care Journey Timeline
"We were really overwhelmed in the first couple [appointments]. I would like to know more about what to expect down the line, like a flowchart or timeline."

- Caregiver Interview inspiring Journey
During the interview process, we uncovered that caregivers sometimes don't know what the next step is. After their HLC appointment, they aren't sure what to do next. There are many required tasks that caregivers must keep track of during the care journey of a child with hearing loss. This ranges from things like when and how to talk to schools, when to reach out to mental health resources, and when they need to return to the HLC next.

With the timeline feature, we are hoping to reduce the overwhelm of caregivers who are trying to manage many tasks. They not only know what to expect today, but also can choose to understand what the next month or year will look like in terms of care. Caregivers can look at the step by step process of tasks to complete for each aspect of the care of their child.
In Conclusion
Working with the Seattle Children's Hospital on creating Windmill was one of the most rewarding design projects I've ever worked on. I learned more clearly how important of a role empathy plays in design. Stepping into the experiences of parents navigating a hearing loss diagnosis of their child influenced me to be more careful of how my designs can impact the lives of others.

This design project was the first time I created something that can ease the stress of a difficult and stressful life event. It is my hope that products like Windmill can turn apprehension into hope and confusion into confidence.

There is so much room for growth in the healthcare space. A world where we simplify the uncertainties that come along with caring for our, and our loved ones', health would be a better one. Speaking with just a small subset of people who have had to navigate a difficult diagnosis taught me that patients in the healthcare space need and deserve a more carefully designed experience.

Thank you for taking time to learn about this project. There is so much that my team and I explored during our design process such as co-design activities, affinity mapping, redefining the problem statement, and more. If you'd like to know more, I'd love to chat. Please reach out to me using the links below!